Please review the spiritual, academic, behavioral and financial criteria for Santa Fe Christian students and families listed below. Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Spiritual Commitment
One parent or guardian must be a professing believer in Jesus Christ, agree with the school’s Statement of Faith, and provide a written Christian testimony. It is preferred that both parents provide written faith testimonies. Students (and at least one parent) must regularly attend and be actively involved in a Christ-centered church as indicated by the Pastor Recommendation form. Parents must sign the Parent Commitment form, which indicates their support and compliance with the philosophy, Statement of Faith, spiritual goals, policies, practices, and objectives of Santa Fe Christian Schools. High School students must be professing Christians.
Academic Standards
High School (Grades 9-12) transcripts must show a cumulative and current GPA of 2.7 (B-) or above in academic courses. Middle School (Grades 6-8) and Elementary School (Grades K-5) report cards must show at grade level or above performance across all subjects.
Entrance test scores must be average or above.
Teacher evaluations and report cards must show that the student is an independent learner and has the ability to be successful in a traditional classroom environment.
Final report cards must show a consistent effort with no drop in academic or behavioral performance.
The school does not accept incoming seniors second semester.
Behavioral Standards
Students and parents must be in good standing with current school.
Teacher evaluations and report card behavioral marks must be favorable.
Students and parents must not have exhibited behavior that is disruptive to the school or community.
Students and parents must exhibit behavior, both in and out of school, that is consistent with SFC’s Christian values.
Students with prior drug, alcohol, or other similar issues must have successfully completed a full semester in a regular school program (while remaining 100% drug and alcohol free) prior to being admitted to SFC. SFC will not accept students directly from residential treatment programs or expulsion from other schools.
Financial Responsibilities
Families who previously withdrew from SFC and did not fulfill their tuition contract must clear all financial obligations before an admissions application will be accepted.
All financial obligations to SFC must be kept current.
If the student is transferring from another private school, a note on school letterhead may be required stating that financial obligations have been cleared.
Note: If a student’s report card, transcript, test scores or other information provided on the application (including but not limited to student and family church attendance) show that the applicant will not meet the SFC admissions criteria at this time, the admissions process is stopped. Out of respect for the applicant, an Admissions Officer will notify the parents that the process has been stopped. Applicants are welcome to re-apply when criteria are met.